29th annual Operation Thank You event set for November 14

You’ve seen their welcoming smiles at Membership Mixers greeting attendees at the door and taking admission. They call you on occasion to ensure that everything is going well with your Chamber membership. Or, they may have been at your ribbon cutting ceremony congratulating you on your new business or expansion. They’re members of the Diplomat Committee, and on November 14, you will be visited by one of them or their more than 250 team members while delivering your 2025 Chamber membership Decal.
“The legacy of the Operation Thank You event has been a fun tradition for 29 years. As business community volunteers, we look forward to participating in it each year. It’s a great opportunity for our volunteers to meet Chamber members in their place of business, learn more about what they do, and deliver the 2025 membership decal. We encourage member businesses to proudly display it on their entry doors to let visitors know they are committed to the success of our community and are part of the unified voice in creating the best environment to live, work and grow,” said Event Chair Andrea Carstensen, Minnwest Bank.
If you are a Chamber member and would like to participate in this one-day event or if you’d like to donate a door prize to add to the excitement of the event, please contact Pat Lund.