Photo looking up into dome of capitol building in Pierre, SD
Media Releases

Chamber takes positions on 2022 ballot issues

The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, by vote of its Board of Directors, has adopted official positions on two questions that will appear on the November 2022 general election ballot.

As the voice of the local business community, the Chamber researches and evaluates policies, bills and ballot questions as they arise. More information about the process and positions can be found in the Advocacy section of the Chamber website.

Constitutional Amendment D

The Board adopted a position in support of Constitutional Amendment D. The Chamber urges members to vote “yes” on CA-D on the general election ballot.

  • Expansion of health services to working people will improve the overall health of our workforce, which leads to healthy businesses and a healthy economy.
  • Expanding Medicaid makes sense economically and South Dakota can afford to do so.

Slaughterhouse Zoning Ordinance

The Board adopted a position of opposition to the proposed ordinance banning future slaughterhouses within city limits. The Chamber urges members to vote “no” on the ordinance on the general election ballot.

  • The ordinance changes the rules in the middle of the game for a business that has followed all regulations set forth to date. This is bad for the economic future of our city.
  • The City’s current zoning ordinances were approved by a majority of Sioux Falls citizens in 2014. The application to rezone the parcel in question was approved in 2017 without opposition.