City Council Meeting: 4/5/22
With over 96 items on the agenda, City Council was busy on Tuesday evening. Topics included liquor licenses, annotated agendas, ethics training and supplemental appropriations.
Topics from the regular meeting on April 5, 2022 included:
Item #83 was a first reading of an ordinance amendment to Chapter 111: Alcoholic Beverages. The proposed amendment would replace the current waiting list for the distribution of new off-sale and on-sale liquor licenses with a lottery system modeled after the City’s medical cannabis license selection process. The proposed procedure would operate as follows:
- Upon availability of new licenses, the City will publish a deadline by which interested parties can apply
- Deadline will be no less than 30 days between the invitation and the opening of the application window
- Lottery Applicants will receive at least 24-hour notice in advance of the lottery being conducted
- Lottery will be open to the public
- Applicants selected to continue will be notified of specific deadlines and additional application requirements (e.g. conditional use permits, etc.)
The final process/procedure will go unchanged.
A motion to set the date of 2nd Reading for Wednesday, April 13 passed unanimously. To read the proposed amendment in it entirety, click here.
Item #86 was a first reading of an ordinance that would appropriate nearly $14 million to various projects within City government. Recommended appropriations included:
- ADA Ramps Improvements: $1.0M
- Major Street Reconstruction: $4.5M
- Greenway Phase III: $2.5M
- Jacobson Plaza: $3.5M
- Zoo Sanitary Sewer: $120K
- Bike Trail Reconstruction: $150K
- Strategic Land Acquisition: $1.0M
- Complaint Radios for Streets: $500K
- Vehicles/Equipment: $350K
- Childhood Literacy: $50K
A motion to set the date of 2nd Reading for Tuesday, April 19, 2022 was approved unanimously. To see the plan in detail, click here.
Item #87 was a first reading of an ordinance to appropriate $3.5 million to the USD Discovery District. This item passed unanimously with a recommendation to set a date of 2nd Reading for Tuesday, April 19, 2022.