2024 Sioux Empire Livestock Show – 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest

W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds Get Directions



SUNDAY, JAN. 28, 2024, 1 P.M.


Early Entry Deadline & Fees

Early online entries are accepted through January 5, 2024, at a rate of $10 per individual contestants.


Late Entry Option & Fees

Late online entries are accepted through January 18, 2024, at a rate of $10 per individual contestant, with an additional late fee of $10 ($20 per contestant). Late entries will also be accepted at check-in, with an additional late fee of $10 per individual contestant ($20 per individual contestant).





Sunday, Jan. 28, Noon-12:45 p.m., in between the bleachers in the center room of the Expo Building, by the concession stands.



The 2024 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Contest, will be an individual contest only. There will be no teams.


The contest is open to youth/students who fit into the age divisions below. Contestants can only judge in the following age divisions:

Age Divisions:

Beginner: Age 8-10 on or before Jan. 1

Junior: Age 11-13 on or before Jan. 1

Senior: Age 14-18 on or before Jan. 1

Sioux Empire Livestock Show personnel reserve the right to adjust Rules and Regulations as seen fit.



Classes to be judged: 3-4 classes of cattle, 2-3 classes of swine, 2-3 classes of sheep/goats. Two (2) classes will have questions. Livestock Show personnel reserve the right to alter classes depending on the availability of livestock. Contestants will be allowed eight (8) minutes to judge each class. Question classes will determine ties.

NOTE: Please bring clipboards and pencils – we will be using scantron sheets for the contest.



Results will be posted on www.judgingcard.com. 

Awards will be mailed out after the contest.

Please make sure there is a correct address on the registration form.