Get your 24-25 Mixer Pass!

Chamber members have long recognized the value of attending Membership Mixers. Each month a large number of members attend these events and enjoy the opportunity to create new connections and strengthen existing relationships with other Chamber members.
Standard admission at the door to a Membership Mixer is $5 per person. You can reduce the cost of attending by purchasing a Mixer Pass. A Mixer Pass gets you admission to all Mixers for the coming year. Now through Dec. 31, you can purchase a Mixer Pass at a discounted price of $40 – that’s a $20 savings if you attend all 12 Membership Mixers in the next Chamber year.
Here are some of the advantages of purchasing a Mixer Pass:
• You’ll always be prepared for attendance at the mixer – even if you don’t have cash on hand.
• If you can’t attend one of the monthly mixers, you can let a co-worker or friend use your pass for that month.
• Order your pass now and the Chamber will invoice your business, so you don’t have to bother with expensing your admission cost each month.
• Order several for your business and share them with your employees who will benefit from the networking environment of a mixer. You can also use them to treat customers to complimentary admission to a mixer(s).
The Mixer Pass can be used for admittance to each monthly Mixer from October 2024-September 2025. The pass must be presented at the registration at each event.
Mixer Passes can be purchased at the registration table of upcoming Mixers, or you can order online.