Message from the Chair
Last month, I took some time away from work to travel to Greece with my family. It was a vacation full of stunning views, new cultural experiences and history around every corner.
As wonderful as it was to get away, it was equally great to come home to Sioux Falls. I was raised in Mexico and met my wife while living in California. To our family though, Sioux Falls is home. This is the city that welcomed us when we moved here more than a decade ago. Here, I was able to restart and grow my business. My wife found opportunities to advance her career. Our kids thrived in an excellent school system.
Our leaders have tackled challenges and pursued growth to benefit the community.
A strong economy, plenty of opportunity and a high quality of life – these are characteristics of Sioux Falls that we are proud to claim. This is what attracts businesses to move their operations here and why roughly 5,000 additional people choose to make Sioux Falls their home each year.
The history of Sioux Falls (while shorter than that of Greece) is one of innovation and resilience. In the nearly 150 years since the village of Sioux Falls was incorporated, our leaders have tackled challenges and pursued growth to benefit the community. Sioux Falls is what it is today thanks to the vision and investment of those who came before us.
Our extraordinary community did not happen by chance, and we need to continue working together to ensure it remains vibrant. There are big challenges before us. In this issue, we look at the realities of housing availability in our region. We need more workers to fill the jobs at the companies that want to move or expand here. But in order to attract those workers, we need housing available.
There isn’t a simple solution to our housing challenges. The good news is that many people and entities are working together to address the issue. Your Chamber is engaged in the work, along with other non-profit agencies, state and local government, and local developers. We are united in the desire to see our city and region continue to grow and thrive.
As a chamber member, you play a part in making Sioux Falls a great place to live and work. Thank you for your investment – we couldn’t do it without you.

Alex Ramirez
USA Media TV