Make networking work for you
We all know networking can be an effective and efficient way to promote yourself and your business. For some people, it might be easier said than done though. That is why the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce offers networking opportunities in a variety of formats – so you can find one that works for you.
Our signature networking event is the monthly Membership Mixer. These are held monthly, typically on the second Tuesday, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Chamber member businesses host the Mixers, and welcome guests into their facilities. Mixer sponsors see the value of bringing together Chamber members to network and connect. In addition, they enjoy the opportunity to educate others about their business.
Mixer attendance typically ranges from 150-200 people…but don’t let the numbers intimidate you! There are volunteer Diplomats at each Mixer who will be happy to greet you and help you get started networking. Quite often, people who feel a bit apprehensive about walking into an event with so people in attendance are surprised by how many people they actually know in the room, either from work relationships, their kids’ school activities, or even people from their neighborhood.
Morning Mingles are another option for those seeking to network. Like Mixers, these are hosted by Chamber member businesses at locations around Sioux Falls. These events tend to be smaller, with attendance ranging from 40-80 people. As the name suggests, Morning Mingles are held at the start of the day, beginning at 7:30 a.m. and ending by 9 a.m.

The ultimate goal of both Mixers and Mingles is to provide an environment where you can form connections that will help you grow your business or expand your professional sphere. Both events can be “drop by” participation, so if you can’t stay for the whole event from start to finish, that’s no problem.
While these two events are networking-focused, the opportunity to connect is woven through almost all Chamber events. We encourage you to maximize your chamber membership by attending an upcoming event where you can make networking work for you!

Pat Lund
Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce