Meet a member: April Schulte
April Schulte is the vocational rehabilitation manager of the SD Rehabilitation Center for the Blind, which is under the Department of Human Services. She holds a master’s degree in mental health and rehabilitation counseling from Virginia Commonwealth University and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. In addition to her work, April enjoys being active in the community. She is a member of YPN’s Steering Committee, and co-chairs the Personal & Professional Development Action Team. She is also a member of the boards of Employment Disability Resources and RehabACTion and volunteers with Sioux Empire United Way.

1. Why did you choose to build your career in Sioux Falls?
Sioux Falls has a lot to offer when it comes to job opportunities, nightly/weekend activities to attend, and overall provides a safe environment, which was important to me. I knew I wanted to live in a bigger city, and I felt Sioux Falls was a great fit. I also have family that lives close, which was another factor that drew me here.
2. What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Choose your hard. You are given many choices in life, and it is up to you to make the best choice for yourself. Also, don’t sweat the small stuff and ask yourself if it is going to matter in five years or not.
3. What is your favorite YPN event?
My favorite is the “A Seat at the Table” events, which focus on bringing in prominent leaders in the Sioux Falls community to learn about their story and how they got to where they are. I always walk away learning something new and/or feeling more motivated to continue to work hard to reach my goals.
4. How has YPN impacted your professional development?
YPN has helped me grow not only professionally but also personally. There is such a wide variety of activities to attend that focus on different areas of growth. For example, through the networking/social activities I have developed many friendships and professional acquaintances that I can reach out to if needed. And through personal and professional development activities I have learned more about our great city through business tours, prominent leaders within the community, how to become more involved, what makes a great leader, etc. Overall, I have met many great people through YPN and it also has connected me to many amazing resources that I was not aware of that has helped me to better be able to do my job.
5. What makes a great leader?
There are many qualities that make a great leader, but I think a few of the most important are being open to new ideas, being able to actively listen to others, respecting others and being able to communicate clearly.