Message From The Chair
If you are anything like me, you look forward to receiving each issue of Chamber News. Mail often sits on my desk for a long time before I finally get around to opening it. But when my new edition of Chamber News arrives, I always read it immediately. I enjoy catching up on Chamber programs, seeing the busy schedule of events, reading through Faces and Places and generally staying informed of what is happening in our community.
If I had to pick a favorite segment, it would probably be the Ribbon Cuttings. It is fun to see photos of all these business celebrations organized with support of the Chamber. It is remarkable that we have so many (85 last year) happening in our great city, and more are scheduled all the time.
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce is one of the most prolific in the nation.
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce is one of the most prolific in the nation. We have highly engaged members, strong programs and a proven track record of supporting a healthy business community. This publication is a fantastic example of how our Chamber serves its members. Chamber News is a business magazine that is for members, about members, and contains articles by members.
This issue is special, because it is the 100th edition in this magazine format. Prior to this, Chamber News was printed on newsprint. And decades ago, you would find updates from the Chamber in newsletter format.
Remember the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Well, Chamber News is definitely not broken, but exciting changes are here. You will see updated graphics and fonts, new story formats and a fresh look overall. The great team at the Chamber has taken something really good and made it better. That is what we all do in Sioux Falls.
Enjoy the new look, the same great stories, and be proud of a publication that carries forward our great tradition of Working in Concert for greater Sioux Falls.
P.S. As an ad guy, I always enjoy checking out the ads and say thank you to all the businesses who advertise in the Chamber News.

Scott Lawrence
Lawrence & Schiller, Inc.