Message from the Chair
Keep pushin’ on in 2025!
Welcome to 2025! This year marks the halfway point of the decade, and if you’ve ever run a marathon, you know halfway is an ideal time to evaluate your pace and determine if you need to adjust it to save energy to finish. 2025 is an excellent time to check our pace and determine what we still want to accomplish this decade.
Since 2020, Sioux Falls has experienced tremendous growth, with approximately 5,000-6,000 new residents moving here each year. According to the U.S. Census data, Sioux Falls is one of the fastest-growing cities in the Midwest. Livability.com says we’re one of the top 100 best places to live in the country. We rank high for young professionals, entrepreneurs and retirees. We’re a great city to call home because we shared a bold vision and did the hard work to accomplish it.
Sioux Falls is full of diversified industries, attracting new residents and businesses at a record pace. Let’s enjoy our success but not let up on the gas. As with any successful business, we need to raise our own bar of achievement. At this halfway point, think about what we want our city to look like at the end of this decade. Let’s aim higher, dream bigger and set forth greater goals that we collectively pursue.
The direction starts here today with members like you. Your involvement is critical to building a better, stronger Sioux Falls and finishing the 2020s strong. So, let’s check our pace, tighten our shoelaces and keep on pushin’ forward in 2025.

Miles Beacom
PREMIER Bankcard