Message from the Chair
It seems like we just turned over the calendar to 2024, and here we are already three months in. With so much happening in our community, businesses and families, time flies quickly. It is no different at the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. Here are some updates:
It seems that you cannot escape discussions on artificial intelligence. It has become a very hot topic and it is here to stay. How we utilize or embrace AI is up to each of us…it requires time to see how it can work within your business and your life. Information is power, and the more I learn about various AI tools, the more I see new applications and possibilities. The feature article in the March issue of the Chamber News will give you a few more ideas about ways you could utilize AI, as well as some pitfalls to avoid.
Speaking of pitfalls…cybersecurity is a topic that should be of concern for all individuals and businesses. You’ve heard the news stories of systems being hacked or scammers taking advantage of individuals. Cyber threats to businesses can cause major problems in productivity and profitability. Once again, the more you know, the better you can be prepared to protect yourself and your business. The Chamber’s annual Cybersecurity Conference will be held April 23, 2024. It is a great chance to learn about the latest in the cybersecurity landscape and is sure to benefit businesses of all sizes.
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce hosted another successful Sioux Empire Livestock Show in late January. I had the true pleasure of spending time at the Expo building talking with young producers, watching the judging of various classes, and attending the Mayor’s Roundup & Sale of Champions. I heard people from around the country say our show is one of the most well organized you will find anywhere.
Finally, the 2024 Legislative Session will draw to a close this month. The Chamber team has been diligently monitoring bills, testifying in committee and advocating for business-friendly policy. They are watching out for your business, so that you can focus on your work. It is an incredible benefit of your Chamber membership!
I thank you sincerely for being a member of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. Working in concert, we can make Sioux Falls an even greater place to live, work and play.

Scott Lawrence
Lawrence & Schiller