Message from the Chair
It’s hard to believe it is already May. Spring is upon us, and with it comes the promise of another great summer in the Sioux Falls region – complete with backyard barbeques, rides on the bike trail and lots of orange cones on our streets!
Through the seasons, your Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce rarely slows down. We’ve had several great events and accomplishments recently that I’d like to highlight.
It has already been more than a month since the 2024 state legislative session concluded, and as always, your Chamber was actively involved in lobbying. VP of Public Policy Mitch Rave spent the session in Pierre carrying the Chamber’s pro-business message. A major win this year was the $10 million appropriated for airports in South Dakota, a portion of which will assist in the much-needed expansion of Sioux Falls Regional Airport. We also worked to secure funding for the quantum computing initiative at DSU and were very closely engaged in the discussions on rules surrounding carbon pipelines. This issue includes our annual Legislative Scorecard, which shows how your elected officials voted on issues important to the business community. Check it out – you might be surprised by a few of the results!
One of the Chamber’s signature programs is Leadership Sioux Falls. It introduces participants to many aspects of our community and prepares them for their roles as current and future leaders. I extend my congratulations to the graduates of Class 38. I look forward to seeing the impact you will have in the years to come.
Finally, on May 18 the Chamber will host the Armed Forces Day Ceremony in honor of all current and former members of the military. Please plan to attend and help us show our gratitude to those who serve.
As always, I am so amazed by the sheer number of volunteers that step up for the Chamber and our community. I am continually reminded that when we Work in Concert, we can secure a bright future.
Happy Summer,

Scott Lawrence
Lawrence & Schiller