Meet the Candidate

Pat Starr

Sioux Falls School Board

Occupation: Business Development at Hire Quest Direct

Education: BA Business Administration from Mount Marty University

Family: Wife Emily, Avery 22, Angela 16 and Alinia 12

Years in Sioux Falls: 36

What issues do you want to focus on if elected?:

My wife and I chose to be part of Sioux Falls 36 years ago. We chose Sioux Falls for the family we were planning because of its strong educational system both public and private. We have watched and been involved in the changes that have happened. We have watched the school systems plan for the future with facilities, curriculum, and activities for all. The Sioux Falls schools have led the region in scholastics and athletics and we have been proud of the accomplishments.

But as we look into the future we see challenges on the horizon. The Sioux Falls School Board needs people to serve who have experience in the past but most importantly have a vision for a strong future for all.

The Sioux Falls City Council has taught me a great deal about issues and successes in our town. My eight years on the City Council required research into issues and solutions. I was a strong supporter of the needs of the schools and especially the students. The school district is growing right along with the city and my experience will open more communication between the schools and city. The most important lesson I have learned is that residents want to be heard. Many times, I have met with people in their homes, offices, or neighborhood, and I have brought the bureaucrats together with constituents to find an amicable solution.

My 3 priorities:

  1. Openness
  2. Transparency
  3. Doing more without increasing taxes

That’s why I am running!

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