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Member Voices

Ten Questions with Brittany Hanson

Brittany Hanson serves as the Program Director for Forward Sioux Falls, where she focuses on building community relationships and driving strategic initiatives. Originally from Wyoming, she made Sioux Falls her home after earning a bachelor’s in music education, communication studies and theatre from the University of Sioux Falls, followed by a master’s in education. Brittany is an active performer with several professional and community arts organizations. When she’s not at work or on stage, she can be found enjoying the city with her husband Brandon, their daughter Scarlet, and their pup Yogi.

1. How did you choose your career path?

Honestly, I think this career path chose me. Like many folks in development, the phrase “falling into fundraising,” hits the nail on the head. I started my career in public relations at the University of Sioux Falls, working closely with the fine arts departments. As a proud graduate, I had a deep connection to the programs, and through my role, I witnessed firsthand the amazing stories of student transformation. Over time, my work naturally expanded into alumni and donor relations, where I discovered a true passion for engaging with supporters and sharing the exciting things happening on campus. What began as a role soon became a calling, as I realized how fulfilling it is to build relationships with people who are passionate about making a difference.

2. What is a skill that you’d like to learn and why?

It would be so fun to learn how to surf—it seems like the perfect blend of adventure, fitness, and peace with nature. Plus, who wouldn’t want to ride the waves and feel that rush?

3. What’s your favorite family tradition?

Baking cookies is a holiday staple. At Halloween, we make frosted sugar cookies with spooky shapes, and at Christmas, we bake all our favorites – monster, chocolate chip, white chocolate macadamia, and peanut butter blossoms. I love the mess and the madness of all of us in the kitchen. While they bake, we usually play cards and, of course, taste-test the latest batch.

4. What are you currently reading (or what is the last book you read)?

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Such a different take on World War II compared to other novels I’ve read. I love the way it toggled between different time periods and the viewpoints of two characters – blind French girl and a German boy. I highly recommend and it was also a Pulitzer Prize winner.

Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara

The subtitle sums up the book perfectly: the remarkable power of giving people more than they expect. Although focused on the dining industry, the concepts are transferrable. I just finished this book and walked away thinking how every business can choose to be a hospitality business — taking everyday transactions and transforming them into extraordinary experiences.

5. What is a piece of advice you’ve received that has served you well?

One piece of advice that has deeply resonated with me came from my dear friend Amy Morrison, who passed away just over a year ago. Amy had a remarkable ability to light up every room with her joy, creativity, tenacity, and encouragement. Her authenticity and individuality were truly inspiring as she embodied the lesson to be exactly who God made you to be. Her life was a testament to “be unapologetically yourself,” reminding me to embrace who I am and never settle for anything less.

6. What might someone be surprised to learn about you?

I’m quite a thrill-seeker. I’ve explored 16 countries and 21 states, with some pretty unforgettable experiences along the way. I’ve gone bungee jumping in New Zealand, skydiving in Minnesota, and kayaking in a stunning fjord in Alaska. My most recent adventure was swimming with sharks in Hawaii! I love seeking out new adventures and pushing my limits in exciting ways.

7. Who inspires you?

My husband, Brandon Hanson, is a tremendous source of inspiration for me. His intentionality and selflessness drive me to be a better person every day. His thoughtful approach and hard work reflects his deep care for both the tasks at hand and the people he is doing them for—whether it’s chores at home or leading projects at work. I’m a big fan.

8. What is your favorite thing about working and living in Sioux Falls?

There is always something new going on! Whether it’s a new restaurant, a fun boutique, a cool jazz club (shout out to Trio!), or a local theatre or dance production, I love experiencing all our city has to offer!

9. What advice do you have for someone new to Sioux Falls?

Get plugged in! Sioux Falls thrives on active engagement and collaboration. Attend events, support local businesses, and volunteer with nonprofits. Our strong community spirit is the result of intentional effort. Embrace this by getting involved and contributing to the city’s growth and success!

10. What excites you most about your new role as the Forward Sioux Falls Program Director?

I’ve always been passionate about bringing the right people together to achieve meaningful goals while inspiring creativity, focus, and energy. That’s why I’m especially looking forward to deepening my relationships with regional business leaders and Forward Sioux Falls investors. Their generosity is about more than financial contributions; it’s about their commitment to the community and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good.

Sioux Falls has amazing leaders who are committed to coming together, placing their competitive differences aside and pursuing ideas that benefit the entire Sioux Falls area. Without this collaborative spirit, our city would look much different than it does today.

Bonus name drop…What are a couple of your favorite restaurants or retailers?

Proud to be known by name at Bagel Boy.
