The 2024 Legislative Scorecard
The advocacy work done by the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce is an important benefit of membership. We serve as the voice of the business community, communicating with elected officials on issues that are important to our members. We also communicate to members the potential impact that policies may have on your business operations.
The 2024 Legislative Scorecard indicates how all 33 Sioux Falls-area legislators, plus leadership from both legislative chambers, voted on legislation that the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce (the “Chamber”) took a position during the 2024 Legislative Session.

The bills included on the Scorecard were measures deemed important to the Sioux Falls business community based on the legislative platform set by the Chamber’s Issues Management Council (IMC) and its Board of Directors. The scorecard indicates whether or not a legislator’s vote on a bill aligned with the Chamber’s position. Only legislation that was considered by the entirety of each legislative body was recorded on the scorecard. Recorded votes correspond to the final form of each bill that was considered by each legislative body, and the Chamber’s position on the final form of that piece of legislation.
It is important to note that this scorecard is not necessarily indicative of all legislation or issues in which the Chamber was involved during the 2024 Legislative Session. Further, this document is not intended as an evaluation of any lawmaker, but rather it is presented as a factual record of how votes were cast on select issues of importance to the Chamber, its members and the Sioux Falls business community.
Lawmakers are given the “Sioux Falls Community Champion” designation if they voted with the Chamber on 100% of the bills on this scorecard. The “Sioux Falls Supporter” designation was given to those legislators who voted with the Chamber on 80% or more of the bills. Designations are based on the 2024 voting records alone. A cumulative percentage is included to show a lawmaker’s record of voting in line with Chamber positions over time.