Chamber Advocate: Feb. 16, 2024
Week six in Pierre was bookended by bills related to the proposed carbon capture pipeline. On Monday, the House Commerce and Energy Committee yet again had a full slate of bills on the topic. Those ranged from placing requirements on entities before they can begin a permitting process through the Public Utilities Commision to HB 1219, which would outright ban any carbon-oxide pipeline from utilizing eminent domain. All these bills were defeated in committee.
Even though it was defeated in committee, on Thursday afternoon members of the House used a maneuver called a “smoke out” to revive HB 1219 on the House floor. A “smoke out” is used to get a bill that was defeated in a committee to be heard on the House floor. It requires 1/3 of members to stand in support of this motion., If this is accomplished, the following legislative day another motion to have the bill calendared and heard before the entire chamber must receive the support of a majority of members. The initial vote to smoke out HB 1219 was supported, and the calendaring motion will occur on Tuesday. If successful, the bill will then be heard on the House floor next week. The Chamber opposes HB 1219.
Thursday, the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee heard and passed SB 201, a bill that would give counties the ability to charge $1 per foot on linear pipeline projects that utilize the 45Q Federal Tax Credit for the duration of the tax credit. It also would create uniform state regulations on setbacks for linear projects. The Chamber supported SB 201, as we believe that regulatory continuity contributes to a business-friendly environment for industries that want to do business in our state. We also appreciate the pass through of dollars to South Dakota counties so that they can see the benefits of these types of opportunities for years to come.
Signed bills
Governor Noem recently signed into law SB 78, which allows a qualifying marketer of E15 to receive a fuel tax refund, helping to promote ethanol usage in South Dakota.
The Governor also signed SB 57, which allows for citizens with criminal histories to be eligible to apply for occupational licensure in South Dakota, so long as their prior convictions do not prove to be an issue for the occupation that they are seeking license for. However, business owners still obtain the right to hire based on their own discretion. This initiative was brought by Governor Noem to help address the continued workforce shortage in South Dakota. The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce supported both initiatives.
Next Wednesday, February 21st, is Sioux Falls Day at the Legislature. This opportunity allows members of the Sioux Falls business community to engage in the legislative process and interact with their elected officials in Pierre for a day.
As always, you can stay up to date with all the bills that the Chamber is engaged in by checking our Bill Tracker. If there is an issue you have questions about, or there is an issue that is not on the Chamber’s radar that you would like to bring to our attention, please reach out to our team.