Chamber Advocate: Feb. 3, 2023
The legislature has completed 17 days of the 38 legislative day session. This year there are 450 bills and 41 resolutions/commemorations, for a grand total of 491 items the legislature will take action on this year.
A couple bills that Chamber Advocate has previously reported on made movements this week. These include:
- The Governor signed SB 41 into law on Thursday, making available $200 million in grants and loans to be used in the development of workforce housing. The bill had an emergency clause and thus takes effect immediately.
- HB 1011 was also signed by the Governor this week. It reduces employer contribution rates to unemployment insurance.
For more information on these bills and others, refer to the Jan. 27 edition of Chamber Advocate.
SB 13 – Support
SB 13 To authorize the construction of an addition to the BG Dean Mann Readiness Center in Sioux Falls, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. The Department of the Military may contract for the construction, completion, furnishing, equipping, and maintaining of, including heating, plumbing, water, sewer, electric facilities, architectural and engineering services, and such other services or actions as may be required, to construct an addition to the BG Dean Mann Readiness Center in Sioux Falls for an estimated cost of $6,000,000. This bill has passed the Senate.
SB 14 – Support
SB 14 An Act to revise the legal description for the construction of a National Guard Readiness Center in Sioux Falls, make an additional appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. There is hereby appropriated from the general fund the sum of $5,685,920 and the sum of $16,291,974 in federal fund expenditure authority to the Department of the Military, for purposes of design and construction of a National Guard Readiness Center in Sioux Falls.
HB 1117 – Support
HB 1117 An Act to make an appropriation of $875,000 to support the small and mid-sized manufacturers. The SD Manufacturing and Technology Solutions (SDMTS) is a federal public-private partnership driving economic growth in SD by increasing the productivity and technological performance in small and medium-sized manufacturers. Starting in 2023 SDMTS will be hosted by Lake Technical College in Watertown. (Note: this program also receives federal matching funds and grants.)
The bill passed out of committee and has been sent to Appropriations with a do pass motion.
HB 1118 – Support
HB 1118 An Act to appropriation of $1,411,217 to support the SD Small Business Development Center and the SD Procurement Technical Assistance Center.
The SD Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has been an outreach program of USD since 1985 and is part of the Beacom School of Business. There are seven offices across the state that provide confidential, no cost business plan assistance, financial analysis and projections, and general business operations counseling. The SBDC has 7 offices throughout the state with 11 consultants.
The bill passed out of committee and has been sent to Appropriations with a do pass motion.
SB 109 – Oppose
SB 109 An Act to require employers to disclose compensation or range of compensation to applicants and employees. This bill required private employers with one-hundred or more employees to disclose each job posting the hourly or salary compensation or range of the hourly or salary compensation and a general description of all benefits and other compensation to be offered to the hired, promoted, or transferred applicant or employee. It would also require posting/making available to employees/non-employees/third parties whether done directly by the employer or indirectly through a third party and whether done electronically or with a printed hard copy, that includes qualifications for desired applicants.
The bill required employers to keep and maintain necessary records to demonstrate compliance. Any person may report to the secretary of the Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) a violation by the employer. DLR would conduct an investigation and determine whether a violation of section one occurred. A civil penalty of $500 fine for each violation.
This bill died in committee.