Engage in the legislative process
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce engages in advocacy on behalf of the business community. As a Chamber member, your input is valued and helps set the direction for the Chamber’s work.
Participating in a Chamber legislative event is one way you can maximize your membership. The annual Sioux Falls Day at the Legislature is a way to connect members to the legislative process and an opportunity to show support for issues affecting the Sioux Falls area that are being discussed in Pierre.
The all-day event will take place Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022. It allows Chamber members to meet and visit with state legislators and see the legislative process first-hand. Participants depart Sioux Falls early in the morning and travel on coach buses to Pierre. A mid-morning arrival time provides the opportunity for participants to observe committee meetings taking place throughout the Capitol building. The Chamber hosts a luncheon in the Capitol Rotunda that includes legislators and top government officials – giving Sioux Falls Day participants direct access to leadership. In the afternoon, participants can watch the full legislature in action as the House and Senate are in session.
Legislative Coffees are another opportunity to interact with local legislators. The Chamber will host three Legislative Coffees featuring legislators from Districts 6, 9-16 and 25. The Coffees provide a forum for constituents to hear about current bills and communicate with their elected officials—a vital aspect of forming legislation. They are also an opportunity for citizens to learn more about legislators’ positions, to ask questions and to formulate a better understanding of the impact that a prospective law might have upon them.
The Coffees will take place from 10-11:45 a.m. on February 5, 12 and 26. All three sessions will be held in the Hub on the campus of Southeast Tech.
Finally, you can keep up with activity happening in Pierre through The Chamber Advocate, which is emailed to members and posted online at chambernews.com each Friday during session.
“Attending the Chamber’s legislative events gives you one of the best returns on investment for your membership dues. Events such as Sioux Falls Day at the Legislature, Good Morning Sioux Falls, and the legislative coffees are all excellent opportunities to interact one on one with your Sioux Falls area legislators and to get their perspectives on issues being considered in Pierre. As business leaders, it is important that we take every opportunity to educate our elected officials about issues of importance to us. Take advantage of your membership and get involved with the legislative process by showing up in support of your Sioux Falls Chamber.”
Pam Bonrud
NorthWestern Energy