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Member Voices

Meet a member: Andrew Eitreim

Andrew Eitreim earned his Master of Architecture degree from North Dakota State University. He began his professional career at Architecture Incorporated and has never left. Andrew is a Principal Architect and was named President of the firm earlier this year. Andrew and his wife, Kayla, love living, working and raising their two sons, Connor (8) and Gavin (5), in Sioux Falls. In his free time, Andrew serves on the SculptureWalk board, as a Junior Achievement volunteer, and a youth sports coach.

1. How did you choose your profession?

I have always been creative and interested in how things are put together so I love the combination of both the art and science of architecture. The challenge of creatively solving problems for clients to make their office, church, or school meet their needs is extremely satisfying. I really enjoy the collaboration with our team, consultants, and the client to create a vision and work to make it a reality.

2. What might someone be surprised to learn about you?

I am an Eagle Scout. My uncle was the Scoutmaster in Jasper, MN, where I grew up, and I have many great memories of camps and activities while in Boy Scouts. I learned a ton from those experiences; the idea of pushing yourself to learn new skills, setting goals and working to achieve them, and the motto of ‘Be Prepared’ has stuck with me through everything I have done.

3. What makes a great leader?

To be a great leader, I believe a person needs to possess these three characteristics. First and foremost, they are passionate about what they do. One of my favorite quotes is ‘Nothing great in the world was accomplished without passion.’ Additionally, they are great listeners, and they genuinely care for those they are leading.

4. What is something you are optimistic about?

I have spent a good amount of time working with kids through coaching and Junior Achievement volunteering, and I believe our future leaders are going to continue moving our community forward. Today’s kids are eager to learn, want to cheer each other on to achieve a goal, and care about each other. I believe our kids will be ready to lead in a way that ensures Sioux Falls remains a great place to live.

5. If you could witness any event of the past, present or future, what would it be and why?

Seeing the Twins win the World Series!?! One of our favorite things to do as a family is to attend Twins games and our boys have become huge baseball / Twins fans. There is nothing better than being outside in the summer playing catch in the yard with the Twins game on the radio. I have fond memories of the 1991 World Series and would love to share that with Kayla and the boys.

6. What is one of the biggest challenges facing our community today? And how should we tackle it?

Affordable housing at all levels is a huge challenge. I moved to Sioux Falls in 2007 and was fortunate to purchase a home in an established neighborhood soon after I arrived. It was a fixer-upper, but it was within my budget and allowed me to get into home ownership. It has become increasingly difficult for young professionals and families to find affordable housing options. This issue has been talked about since before I moved to Sioux Falls and is not one where there is a singular solution. It involves public and private investment of time and funding to make a difference and will take consistent focus going forward. Creative financing and incentives for both the construction of new affordable housing stock and revitalization efforts in established neighborhoods are part of the solution.

7. Why does your company choose to be a Chamber member?

Being a Chamber member is an obvious choice. We are proud to be a part of the Sioux Falls business community and value the professional development and networking opportunities the Chamber provides.

8. What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Growing up I saw my parents spending time giving back to our community. They were involved in multiple organizations and spent countless hours making our community better. I learned from their example how important it is to volunteer and be involved in causes and organizations that matter to me.

9. What is your favorite way to spend a day in Sioux Falls?

We spend a lot of time at our city’s parks watching our boys play their favorite sports, and that is one of my favorite things to do. I also enjoy spending time with friends in downtown Sioux Falls, checking out new restaurants and breweries, and visiting some of our longtime favorites.

10. What is a skill you would like to learn, and why?

I would like to learn to become a more skilled cook. Nothing is better than a great meal with friends or family. I value the time we get to spend with those core people in our lives and like the idea of enriching the experiences with a wonderfully prepared meal.

