Message from the Chair
As a membership-based organization, the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce relies on volunteers to lead our committees, councils and board of directors. Each year, in October, we go through a period of change and transition as committee officers and board members step back to allow new volunteers to fill the positions of leadership.
Leadership can take many forms. In this issue of Chamber News, you’ll get to know several individuals who will hold leadership positions for the Chamber in the year ahead. In addition, there are many more people who share their time and talents in service to our community.
Leadership often means investing in what comes next.
True leadership often means investing in what (or who) comes next. Where Sioux Falls is today has everything to do with the decisions, actions and investments of those who came before us. We owe it to our predecessors to keep challenging ourselves.
Our community needs to continue to grow, but we need to do so in a careful, constructive manner that benefits everyone. To achieve this, we need people engaged in the discussions at a variety of levels. Speed bumps are bound to arise, but if we approach them with respect, trust and transparency, we can work through them together.
We are at a time of year when political messaging peaks. In this election year, there are several issues on the ballot for South Dakota voters to consider. The Chamber takes seriously the task of adopting positions and making recommendations to members on ballot questions. You may not always agree with the Chamber’s position, but you can trust that our volunteers and staff have engaged in a thorough process of reviewing the pros and cons of each issue and considering possible implications for our businesses and the broader community. The Chamber’s official positions can be found in the Advocacy section on the Chamber’s website.
I am honored to begin a year of service as your Chair of the Board for the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. I invite you to join me on October 18 at the Sioux Falls Convention Center for the Chamber’s 116th Annual Meeting. It will be a night of celebrating who we are and where we are going. Plus, we’ll have a chance to kick back and laugh at ourselves as comedian Charlie Berens brings his Midwest-focused humor to the stage. I look forward to seeing you there!

Paul Hanson
President, Sanford Health