Message from the Chair
It is important that we take the time to think about what we want our community to look like a decade from now
When the calendar flips to November, we receive a visual reminder that Thanksgiving will be here shortly. It reminds us of the value of gratitude in the midst of the hustle and stresses of daily life.
I would bet that your “thankful for” list, like mine, could get lengthy. One of the things at the top of my list is Sioux Falls. I am thankful that I live here – in a community of people that take care of each other, work together, and invests for the future.
In this issue, we’ll introduce you to the new long-term strategic planning project that is just getting started. Vision Sioux Falls is being driven by multiple community organizations and is possible thanks to funding from Forward Sioux Falls. It is important that we take the time to think about what we want our community to look like a decade from now, and then to plan for how we can make that vision a reality.
Over the course of the next several months, Vision Sioux Falls will be seeking input from the community at large. I hope you will take the time to participate where you can, and encourage your colleagues to do the same. Hearing many voices from a variety of perspectives is critical to making this plan the best it can be.
As we enter the holiday shopping season, I encourage you to look to local retailers first for your gift-buying. Dollars that are spent in our community are more likely to stay in our community. Plus, when you patronize a store that is a Chamber member, you are supporting a business that also invests in the future of our community. You can find a directory of Chamber members online at siouxfallschamber.com.
Finally, the annual Veterans Day Ceremony is scheduled for November 11 at 10:30 a.m. at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance. This event is organized by members of the Chamber’s Military & Veterans Affairs Committee, in conjunction with other local veterans’ groups. It is a powerful and moving event that reminds us of the service and sacrifice demonstrated by our nation’s veterans…one more thing to add to that gratitude list!

Paul Hanson
President, Sanford Health