Message from the chair
The 2022 general election has come and gone. The people of South Dakota have spoken, and I am glad that the voters saw the need to expand Medicaid eligibility for thousands of working people in our state. Extending health care coverage to more citizens will translate into a healthier workforce – and that’s good for business!
The approval of Constitutional Amendment D is one example of the power of advocacy. Medicaid expansion was a topic of discussion among policy makers for several years before it came to a vote of the people.
Advocacy work is often unseen, but it can be incredibly valuable to a business. Having someone looking out for your business interests in the public policy realm is comparable to a security system or business insurance – when things are going well it can be easy to take it for granted. You might even be tempted to think you don’t need it. When something goes wrong though, you will be glad you have it.
Advocacy work is often unseen, but it can be incredibly valuable to a business.
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce works tirelessly to ensure that the voice of business is heard at all levels of government. The position our Chamber takes on issues and or initiatives, is driven by members and led by our Issues Management Council and Board of Directors. These volunteers represent the collective whole of the business community. They demonstrate an ability to clearly articulate the needs and expectations of business, and then use that to form and influence public policy.
This doesn’t just happen. As Chamber members, we pride ourselves on our ability to work together, even when don’t see eye to eye on everything. We represent our members truthfully, and our efforts are respected by elected officials and public servants. The trust you have in the Chamber’s ability to represent the interests of the broader community gives our Chamber team the confidence to communicate our intent to lead the discussion or be the expert resource at the table.
Most importantly, the advocacy efforts of the Chamber enable our business community to work toward solving problems or enhancing existing solutions. Regardless of whether you actively engage in the Chamber’s advocacy work or not – it is one of the most valuable aspects of your membership.
Working together, and advocating, for the collective best interests of the Sioux Falls community…it’s just who we are.

Paul Hanson
President, Sanford Health