Message from the Chair
Construction season is officially in full swing in South Dakota. In Sioux Falls and surrounding communities, orange cones in the road and new buildings going up are a common sight. It is a sign of continued growth and economic vibrancy – something your Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce works hard to foster!
A healthy community is one reason the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce is so diligent about advocating on behalf of businesses. Recently, a delegation from the Chamber made a trip to Washington D.C. While there, we met with our South Dakota Senators and Congressman to discuss matters that are relevant and important to Sioux Falls. You might see the fruits of that trip soon, or it may take years. That is the nature of community advocacy.
A little over a year ago, Forward Sioux Falls agreed to fund and support the launch of South Dakota Trade, which assists local businesses that engage in international trade. It is exciting to see that investment already bearing fruit. In this issue, you can read about the impact of international trade on our local economy and the opportunities available. Who knows…maybe you’ll even consider exporting as a new possibility for your company.
At the top of the list of ways we can positively impact tomorrow through our choices today is our workforce, particularly the youngest workers. The Chamber’s Young Professionals Network will host an event this month that supports our community talent attraction and retention efforts. If your company has summer interns or new employees that recently moved here, I encourage you to have them attend the Intro Sioux Falls event on June 20. It showcases various aspects of our community and helps new residents feel comfortable here. The goal is that by helping them connect, they will choose to stay and be a part of our vibrant workforce permanently.
As always, the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce works every day to be strong advocates for business in Sioux Falls and the surrounding area. Now nearly eight months into my term as chair, I have learned so much about all the Chamber does, and it is truly impressive. It really proves, that Working in Concert, we all contribute to making Sioux Falls the best place to live and work.

Scott Lawrence
Lawrence & Schiller