Message from the Chair
Three years ago, I answered a phone call from Dr. Dave Kapaska. He was calling to ask me if I would be willing to serve as Treasurer for the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. I accepted wholeheartedly. I felt humbled that the Chamber would want me in this role, and I was so happy to be able to serve our chamber and community in any way I could.
When I realized that the role of Treasurer was the start of a path to eventually becoming Chair of the Board of Directors for the Chamber, I started to feel the true significance of that first phone call. So, I dove into the Treasurer position, and subsequently, the into the Vice Chair and Chair Elect duties. In these last few years, I have learned so much more about the Chamber and the vital role it serves in our community of the greater Sioux Falls region.
unprecedented times present an opportunity to reimagine ourselves as a community
Today, with about 18 months of a pandemic behind us, we know all too well that the only constant is change. These unprecedented times present an opportunity to reimagine ourselves as a community. As our city and region grows and changes, we can set the course for the type of place we want to be in the future – one year, five years or ten years from now.
It is also our responsibility to cultivate new leaders that will be visionary and brave in the face of change. In that spirit, Leadership Sioux Falls begins another year of training and developing community leaders this month. This valuable program is a signature of the Chamber and is one way we seek to develop future leaders.
There are many people who lead in our Chamber in other ways too. So many people voluntarily give their time and talents. The attitude of service and investment in community is one of the things that we just do – it is part of our culture and can-do attitude. The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce has hundreds of committed volunteers and a dedicated staff working to build community.
In addition, we have almost 2,000 member businesses who represent over 70 thousand employees. By joining the chamber, our members show that they are invested in making Sioux Falls a great place to live, work, learn, play and grow. The Chamber is strong because we are a diverse group of leaders working together for the betterment of our community.
I am excited for the opportunity to serve this amazing group of leaders and to be a part of a collaborative effort to continue strengthening our ever-changing community. Please join me in celebrating our community at the Chamber’s 115th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 19. For the health safety of our entire community, we have limited seating and encourage attendees to wear face masks. I look forward to seeing you at the event or soon thereafter!
The change in Chamber volunteer leadership is a predictable one – it happens every October. I extend thanks to past Chair Dan Doyle, Lloyd Companies, and to all the retiring board members and committee chairs for their service. I look forward to serving you for 2021-22.

Alex Ramirez
USA Media TV