Message from the chair
The word “century” comes from the Latin “centuria,” which in the ancient Roman army was a company of one hundred men. The term began to be used to denote 100 years in the 15th century.
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce has an impressive group of “founding members” that have been part of our Chamber for 100 years or more. In a way, they are like a company of soldiers that has forged the way for today’s businesses and influenced your community in lasting ways. Imagine all the growth and change those businesses have experienced in Sioux Falls over that time! Most importantly, they’ve seen the returns for their investment and have maintained their support. In this issue of Chamber News, you can learn more about four of those founding members. Whether you have been a member for decades, a few years or just a few months, we are so glad you choose to invest!
Whether you have been a member for decades, a few years or just a few months, we are so glad you choose to invest!
Every business has its own reason for joining the Chamber. I know some businesses join because they want to connect and network with other businesses and possible clients. Others join because they care about advocacy work we do in Pierre to support things that will keep our business community strong and growing. Whatever their motivations, most of us can agree that building a vibrant community is part of why they choose to invest in chamber membership. Our new members and volunteers also find out soon enough just how much impact our chamber has in our daily lives through advocacy and investment. They are excited to be a part of the force that works together for the future of our city and the generations to come.
Recently, Dakota State University announced that they plan to build a new Applied Research Lab in Sioux Falls as part of their $90 million cyber-research initiative. This project is a game-changer for our city. The future is cyber, and this project helps position DSU, Sioux Falls and all of South Dakota, to be a leader in cybersecurity. I am proud to know that Forward Sioux Falls plays a role in this project.
Finally, I encourage you to read the information in this issue about the candidates that are seeking local elected office this spring. It can help you make an informed decision about who you want in these important leadership roles. I became a U.S. citizen less than 2 years ago, and I am excited to exercise my constitutional right to vote. I am always mindful of how blessed we are to live in this country with a strong and thoughtful Constitution – what a privilege. Remember to vote on April 12 – our democracy depends on it!

Alex Ramirez
USA Media TV