Chamber Advocate: Feb. 17, 2023
The legislature has completed 25 days of the 38 legislative day session. The last day of the “main run” will be March 9. Veto day is scheduled for March 27. Next week is Cross-over Day, on February 22. This is the last day to pass bills or joint resolution out of their house of origin.
Two bills that the Chamber opposed died this week:
- HB 1207 prevented financial services providers from denying service based on certain grounds. It died in House Commerce and Energy Committee.
- HB 1208 prevented government entities from entering contracts with companies that promote certain economic boycotts. It died in House State Affairs.
Several bills that the Chamber supports made progress this week:
- Senate Local Government passed SB 174, which prohibits the enactment or implementation of an ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits the use of an energy utility service.
- HB 1190 appropriates a grant for the construction of a military heritage museum in Sioux Falls. The House Military and Veterans Affairs Committee passed this and sent it to the Joint Committee on Appropriations.
SB 59 – Support
SB 59 appropriates general funds in the sum of $1 to the 6 Department of Education, for the purpose of providing grants to school districts for the construction, addition, and equipping of new or existing area career centers. It includes an emergency clause.
The Senate Education Committee passed the bill 7/0 and has referred it to the Joint Committee on Appropriations.
SB 120 – Support
SB 120 increases an amount of property value owned by a local industrial development corporation that is exempt from taxation. This bill increases the current exemption of $750,000 of the full and true value of the total amount of real property or portion of real property to a new exemption of $5 million.
This bill passed Senate Commerce and Energy as amended 9/0.
SB 154 – Support
SB 154 supports a paid family leave proposal to enhance paid family leave benefits for state employees, while also providing opportunities for the private sector and other public sector entities to for the same benefits. The bill appropriates $20 million in one-time dollars for a grant program for private businesses. It included an emergency clause.
The bill died this week in Senate Health and Human Services.