Chamber Advocate: Feb. 24, 2023
The legislature has completed 29 days of the 38 legislative day session. Thursday of this week marked the milestone of cross-over day. This was the last day to pass bills or joint resolution out of their house of origin. This session’s cross-over day was less strenuous than in years past. The legislature met the deadline without working late into the evening.
Bills that advanced
Several bills that the Chamber supports saw movement this week. More details on each of these can be found in previous issues of Chamber Advocate.
- SB 59 passed Joint Committee on Appropriations this week. It appropriates general funds in the sum of $1 to the Department of Education, for the purpose of providing grants to school districts for the construction, addition and equipping of new or existing area career centers.
- SB 149 passed the Senate. This transfers monies received as a result of expanding Medicaid eligibility.
- SB 174, which prohibits the enactment or implementation of an ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits the use of an energy utility service, passed the Senate and has been referred to the House Commerce and Energy Committee.
- HB 1039 passed the House and has been referred to the Senate Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. It will allow any member of the S.D. National Guard who is a resident of the state be eligible for 100% of their tuition to be paid for or otherwise credited by the Board of Regents.
- HB 1046, providing free tuition at Board of Technical Education institutions for children or spouses of members of the South Dakota National Guard disabled or deceased in the line of duty, passed both chambers and has been delivered to the Governor.
- HB 1055, which increases the dollar amount of South Dakota opportunity scholarships, passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 62/8 and has been referred to the Senate Education Committee.
- HB 1056 limiting consecutive terms for members of the Board of Technical Education passed Senate Education Committee with a vote of 5/1.
Bills that stalled
Two bills that the Chamber supports stalled this week. HB 1151 died in House Committee on Appropriations with a vote of 9/0. This bill would have created an option for private businesses to utilize if the business would choose to offer a paid family leave program for their business. HB 1190 was tabled in Joint Committee on Appropriations with a vote of 15/3. This bill provided for the construction of a military heritage museum in Sioux Falls.
SCR 604 – Support
SCR 604 Urges the United States Congress to re-introduce the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act. This was a piece of bipartisan legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Rounds, Senator Thune and Representative Johnson in 2022, which would enable the year-round, nationwide sale of ethanol blends above ten percent, helping to lower fuel prices and improve stability in the U.S. fuel market. The Resolution passed the Senate and the House of Representatives.
HB 1075 – Oppose
HB 1075 would have removed the tax on food and food ingredients. Items exempted from HB 1075 included alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, cigarettes, cannabis or cannabis products and prepared food. The bill died in House Appropriations 12/1.
HB 1137 – Support
HB 1137 will reduce the imposed tax of 4.2% upon the gross receipts of all sales of tangible personal property consisting of goods, wares or merchandise, except as otherwise provided in SDCL chapter 10, sold at retail in the state to consumers or users. This bill has passed the House of Representatives and is referred to the Senate Taxation committee.
HB 1235 – Oppose
HB 1235 provided a conscience exemption from a COVID-19 vaccination. This bill died in the House of Representatives.