The 2023 Legislative Scorecard
Communication is an important aspect of the Chamber’s advocacy work. We communicate with elected officials on what issues are important to the business community. We communicate with our members on the impact policies may have on their business and how we are serving as their voice in government.
The annual Legislative Scorecard is a tool used to report to Chamber members how their local legislators voted on issues that are important to the business community. The 2023 Legislative Scorecard tracks the votes of 33 state legislators from the Sioux Falls area. The bills included in the Scorecard are those that the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce took a position on during the 2023 legislative session.

Lawmakers were given the “Sioux Falls Community Champion” designation if they voted with the Chamber on 100% of the bills on this scorecard. The “Sioux Falls Supporter” designation was given to those legislators who voted with the Chamber on 80% or more of the bills. Designations are based on the 2023 voting records alone. A cumulative percentage is included to show a lawmaker’s record of voting in line with Chamber positions over time.
The Scorecard is not intended as an evaluation of any lawmaker but is presented as a factual record of how votes were cast on select issues of importance to the Chamber, its members and the Sioux Falls business community.
The Scorecard is not necessarily indicative of all legislation or issues in which the Chamber was involved during the 2023 legislative session.