Message from the chair
If you had to identify Sioux Falls’ greatest asset, what would you say?
Some might suggest our robust economy, which attracts new businesses and workers to move here. Or maybe it is the high quality of life we enjoy, thanks in part to excellent schools and an extensive parks system. I might be showing my bias, but I think the access we have to world-class healthcare is a pretty strong asset.
All these things and more are possible because of the people of Sioux Falls. People are our greatest asset. The people here are talented, hard-working, innovative, driven, welcoming…I’m sure there are more adjectives you could add to that list. Most valuably, our people believe in the Sioux Falls of tomorrow and they’re committed to making this the best place to live and work.
Our people believe in the Sioux Falls of tomorrow.
Evidence of this commitment can be found on multiple fronts.
Groundbreakings are always a celebration of what is to come. Among those held this spring was a groundbreaking for a new parking ramp at the Sioux Falls Regional Airport – our people are planning for a future of increased air travel. McCrossan Boys Ranch held a groundbreaking for the expansion of their school. It coincided with the completion of a Community Appeals campaign, in which our people gave generously to spur success for at-risk young men.
The Chamber recently concluded its second year of DE&I Activator workshops. Over the past 7 months, 173 people representing 93 unique businesses participated in one or more workshops on strategies to create more welcoming workplaces. This program was offered in partnership Pathways to Inclusive & Equitable Workplaces and we are grateful for their willingness to help our people learn and grow.
Later this month, the Young Professionals Network is hosting the second annual Intro Sioux Falls. This unique event is aimed at residents who are new to Sioux Falls, sharing information and insights from longer-term residents on living and working here. We know that people who feel connected to their community are more likely to stay there. So, send your summer interns. Send your new hires. Send any employee that would like to become more familiar with all that Sioux Falls has to offer.
In this issue, you can read about the new public safety campus that will open later this year. Significant taxpayer dollars are invested in these facilities. The investment it represents in the people who serve and protect our community is harder to measure, but so worth so much more.

Paul Hanson
President, Sanford Health